Trademark Registration
in UK

Trademark is your Brainchild.
Protect it at the Idea stage itself.!

If the brand or logo is made public without trademark protection, later you may end up in litigation with an unscrupulous competitor who might have registered your brand as a trademark.

7 + 15 =

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is an Intellectual Property created out of one’s Passion and Vision. 

Trademark mark includes a device, brand, label, name, signature, word, letter, numeral, shape of goods, packaging, or combination of colors or any combination thereof.

A trademark is a Name, Word, Tagline, Logo, or Combination thereof. Trademarks are generally classified into Wordmark and Device Mark.

Protect your Trademark

Registration of a trademark protects your brand or logo from unauthorized use and infringement.

Claim your priority

You can claim your priority of trademark from the date of first use of it with documentary evidence.

Right to Legal Action

Legal action against infringement or passing off can be initiated only if the trademark is registered.

Ensure validity of Trademark

A registered Trademark can be renewed every 10 years to keep its validity everlasting.

A stitch in time saves Nine.


Registration of trademark in time saves Millions.
So, why do you delay the registration?
File your trademark application in the UK  today itself…!

When to Register a Trademark in UK?

Ideally, the trademark has to be registered at its creation or the design stage itself or at least before publishing the name or design to the public through social media, website, or any other medium.

File Trademark Application in UK and use ‘TM’ in 24 hours*

Want to know more about the requirements and process, timeline and validity of Trademark Registration in UK?

Schedule a 30 minute FREE Video meeting a Trademark Attorney now.!

*On submission of all details and documentation


1. Trademark Classification

The first step in obtaining trademark protection in the UK is to ascertain the suitable Trademark Class for submitting the application. This choice of class depends on the precise nature of the products or services being considered. At times, it might be essential to file applications across several classes to ensure thorough protection for the complete spectrum of products or services.


2. Prepare & Submit the Application

Compile your application with specific details of what you intend to register. This could encompass written words, slogans, or illustrations you plan to use. Clearly specify the trade mark classes and terms you wish to register. Finally, submit your application to the UKIPO (UK Intellectual Property Office) along with the requisite fee payment.

3. Examination of Application

The UKIPO will review the application to identify any potentially similar trademarks. If no objections are raised, the office will advance with the advertisement process. However, in case there are objections concerning the similarity to an existing trademark, the office will communicate with the applicant to address this concern.


4. Advertisement in Trademark Journal

Trademark applications that receive approval from the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) will be published in the trademark journal. A two-month period will be provided for any interested party to raise objections to the application. If no opposition is raised within this window, the mark will be officially registered two weeks after the end of this period.

5. Trademark Opposition

A trade mark application published Trade Marks Journal is then open to any third party (an opponent) to oppose its registration on either absolute and/or relative grounds. It is possible to oppose the entire application or the registration of the mark for only some of the goods and services. There will be 2 months window for anyone to oppose the application of the trademark.


6. Trademark Registration Certificate

If there are no objections within two months after a trademark is published, the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO) will proceed to issue the registration certificate to the applicant.

7. Validity of Trademark

A trademark registration certificate remains valid for a period of 10 years starting from the date of application.

8. Trademark Renewal

A registered trademark must be renewed every 10 years. Trademark registration will be valid as long as it is renewed regularly in time.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a trademark?

A trademark is a unique symbol, word, phrase, design, or combination thereof that represents and distinguishes the source of goods or services of one party from those of others.

2. Why should I register a trademark?

Trademark registration provides legal protection and exclusive rights to use the mark in connection with the specified goods or services. It helps prevent others from using a similar mark and establishes your brand identity and goodwill.

3. What can be registered as a trademark?

Trademarks can be words, logos, slogans, sounds, smells, colors, or a combination thereof, as long as they are distinctive and capable of distinguishing your goods or services from others in the market.

4. What is the difference between "TM" and "®" symbols?

The “TM” symbol is commonly used to indicate that you are claiming rights to a trademark, even if it is not yet registered. The “®” symbol, on the other hand, is used after the mark is officially registered with the trademark office.

5. Can I use the ™ symbol before obtaining registration?

Yes, you can use the ™ symbol to indicate that you claim trademark rights even before the registration process is complete. Once the registration is granted, you can use the ® symbol.

6. Who can apply for a trademark in UK?

Any person or entity including individuals, companies, partnerships, or NGOs claiming to be the proprietor of a trademark can apply for registration. A foreign national or a company registered outside UK can also register a trademark in UK.

7. What is the trademark registration process in UK?

The trademark registration process involves filing an application with the UK Intellectual Property Office (UKIPO), examination of the application by the UKIPO, publication in the Trademark Journal, opposition (if any), and issuance of the registration certificate.

8. How long does the trademark registration process take?

The time for trademark registration can vary from case to case but it typically takes around 4-6 months or longer, depending on the complexity and any objections or oppositions raised.

9. What is the validity of trademark registration in UK?

Trademark registration in India is initially valid for 10 years from the date of filing the application. It can be renewed indefinitely in subsequent ten-year periods.

10. What is the cost to register a trademark in the UK?

A Standard application will cost £170 to register a single trademark in one class. It costs £50 for each additional class.